Mons Joseph, the PWD Minister of Kerala, will inaugurate a mini civil station in Attingal today. The civil station, which has featured in many an election manifesto for well over a decade, is adjacent to sub treasury, Attingal, at Kacheri Nada (opposite to MS Jewelry, Tanisa Music Store, and a row of the oldest footwear shops in Attingal). The building does have a decent design and sufficient space – both for people and for vehicles.
In a function that will be presided over by K.P. Rajendran, the revenue minister of Kerala, most of the prominent political leaders in and around Attingal will take part. The local political glitterati include Adv. A. Sampath MP, Anathalavattam Anandan MLA, N. Rajan MLA, Varkala Kahar MLA, and former minister Vakkom Purushothaman.
It is learnt that the list of departments that are going to occupy the civil station has not been finalized. There are many wannabe occupants – from legal metrology department to labor office. The front runners are RTO office, taluk office, registrar office, village office, and PWD offices.
The mini civil station will be a great convenience for people, as one can access most of the departments under one roof. However, the complaints about government departments rarely associate with lack of accessibility. Most of the complaints are about the attitude of the officials, absenteeism, and corruption. And a civil station or two are not going to change that.
Interestingly, the civil station is indeed going to change the corruption equations among the departments. So far, registrar office was the leading generator of bribes. It was the envy of the neighboring police station, village office, and taluk office. It is not that there is no scope for corruption in the neighboring offices. The per capita bribe of other departments is much less than that of registrar office. But it is going to lose its top seeding in corruption as RTO office, the emperor of corruption, is all set to make its royal entry into the mini civil station. So, a new order in corruption hierarchy beckons.
In a function that will be presided over by K.P. Rajendran, the revenue minister of Kerala, most of the prominent political leaders in and around Attingal will take part. The local political glitterati include Adv. A. Sampath MP, Anathalavattam Anandan MLA, N. Rajan MLA, Varkala Kahar MLA, and former minister Vakkom Purushothaman.
It is learnt that the list of departments that are going to occupy the civil station has not been finalized. There are many wannabe occupants – from legal metrology department to labor office. The front runners are RTO office, taluk office, registrar office, village office, and PWD offices.
The mini civil station will be a great convenience for people, as one can access most of the departments under one roof. However, the complaints about government departments rarely associate with lack of accessibility. Most of the complaints are about the attitude of the officials, absenteeism, and corruption. And a civil station or two are not going to change that.
Interestingly, the civil station is indeed going to change the corruption equations among the departments. So far, registrar office was the leading generator of bribes. It was the envy of the neighboring police station, village office, and taluk office. It is not that there is no scope for corruption in the neighboring offices. The per capita bribe of other departments is much less than that of registrar office. But it is going to lose its top seeding in corruption as RTO office, the emperor of corruption, is all set to make its royal entry into the mini civil station. So, a new order in corruption hierarchy beckons.