The Proposed New Bypass in Attingal

A New Delhi based consultancy has submitted the project report for the new bypass in Attingal, with an estimate of Rs. 150 crore, to the Highway Development authorities. According to the new plan, the 12-km long four-lane road deviates from NH 47 at Mamam, from Mamam Palam, and rejoins the highway at Thottakkadu Daivappura Temple, near Kaduvayil Palli. The new road is going to be constructed as part of a far bigger plan to create a four-lane road from Cherthala to Kazhakkuttam, which in effect provides an excellent bypass traffic system between Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi.

The construction of three new bridges (1. across Thottakkadu canal, 2. across Vamanapuram River, and 3. across Mamam canal) and one under passage at Ramachamvila has been proposed in the project report. The new bypass passes through the following places: Thottakkadu Palam, MLA Road from Ottoor to Perumkulam, Melattingal, Thottavaram, Kunnuvaram, Ramachamvila, Kaduvayil, Kavanasseri, and Mamam. The government needs to acquire 72 hectares of land. By a rough estimate 142 buildings will need to be demolished.

But the land and building owners are unlikely to be unhappy. The land prices of the nearby areas of proposed bypass have already gone up. There are reports about the so-called land mafia approaching the some of the land owners whose property has been “blessed” by the new project. But those who remember the fate of the previous bypass project, which have been shelved, will find it hard to rejoice by the news of the new bypass project.

Also, people who have (or pretend to have) sufficient know-how about such matters are of the opinion that it will take at least two years to get the project completed. Two years, we will all accept that; but no further delay, please.


Unknown said…
Bypass construction inside through the Kollampuzha THIRUVARATTUKAAVU TEMPLE is not acceptable. Developments are good but demolishing of worship place is not in our LAW. 700 years old historical temple should be saved by the Government.
Unknown said…
The bypass construction in attingal city is a good one. But the construction inside the temple is not good and not acceptable. The construction specially in Kollampuzha the road going inside through the THIRUVARATTUKAAVU DEVI TEMPLE is worthless idea. This temple has 700 years old and a Historical religious background at the age of Thiruvithamkoor Maharaja. Presently the ancestors from palace also coming once in a year to worship the DEVI.
The people in our area is strictly obstructing this bypass.
so bye bye bypass
Unknown said…
padmababuveyyyyyyyy NAMASKAARAM.
Brown Country said…
Dear Aneesh, Sreenath

It is good you have brought up the other side of the issue and thanks for the comments.

Nobody wants to hurt anybody's feelings, especially, religious sentiments. I think we have to find a way, literally. I conducted a quick enquiry and learned that the byepass will pass through the thekkenada (which I believe is the gate on the southern side) of the temple.

I hope the issue will be solved by deviating the path of the road. What we need is not the scrapping of the entire project, but changes in the plan to solve the possible problems.

Then there is the issue of people who might lose their houses, which I personally feel is a weightier issue. It is very tough on them. Everybody should be grateful to them if they agree to abandon their houses for this project.

I don't think we need to say bye bye to byepass. We have already done that to another byepass in Attingal. What we need is constructive suggestions.
Anonymous said…
i just want to know whether this bypass project is passing through Kizhuvilam Panchayat as well.V hav a newly built house over there.all my life's earnings hav been spent on it.It's housewarming was done just a couple of years back.I presently am working & living with my family in Indore.So I hav never lived in my Kerala home to my heart's content.On humanitarian grounds u can understand my tension over this proposed project.I didn't have an inkling regarding this project or otherwise i wudn't hav made my house right now.I'm almost shattered right now.
Brown Country said…
Dear anonymous

Your concern is obvious from your comment.

The proposed bypass does indeed pass through Kizhuvilam panchaayth. It joins NH 47, near Mamam Palam.

I do not know where your house is. If you can send me the exact address, I will try to locate it. It is better you contact your friends or relatives. They would be able to provide a better picture.

However, I think your house may not be on the path of the bypass. Had it been, you would have received communication regarding it by now. The authorities have already intimated the owners of the houses that are on the proposed path about the possible destruction and advised them to look for other options. So, my guess is that you can breathe easy and will be able to stay in your house to your heart's content when you come back next time.
Brown Country said…
This is what Sukesh commented in another page of this blog.

Sukesh said...

"According to the present situation in Attingal Bypass construction is indeed.But we have some quires about the new bypass road. I am leaving in Melattingal - Thoppichanda area.I have 48cent of Agricultur land with one house is here.The propased road is corssing through my land. I will loose almost 35cent and the road will divide my plot as two part.Survey is already complated in village. The road width is 45Mtr.In my village lots of people are upset and affreaid they are loosing there houses & lands. So my question is that we will get any compensation?In which basis it will be paid?The people those who are loosing homes, government will give new house or money?We are not against for development."
Brown Country said…

I am sure you will get price for the land acquired as per the government rates. I will try to make further inquiry about this and try to provide an update.

Meanwhile, at present the bypass project has many roadblocks. The local CPI(M) has taken that the widening of the existing NH 47 road should be given priority than the bypass construction.
Unknown said…
The proposed New Bypass in attingal was earlier proposed to pass via kunnuvaram. Now it is heard that it will pass through Thiruvarattukavu temple. What was the reason for the shift in the plan?
Unknown said…
What is the present status of the construction of New Bypass Road?Can you give updattion in this regards?

Brown Country said…
The final survey for the new bypass in Attingal has been conducted. The marking of the proposed road has been over, but the actual work has not started. It is learnt that the land acquisition process will start soon. The Highway Development authorities had earlier set a deadline of December 31, 2009 for the completion of land acquisition process. Read more
Anonymous said…
Very good project.please make it as soon as possible thanks
Unknown said…
Any development in th construction of New Bypass.As my knowledge there is no development after the correct? Can you please update it?

manu attingal said…
i think this proposed bye pass is not the best for aattingal township.because the township is too far away from the proposed bye pass area.more over it will not reduce the traffic block in the township .this is just my opinion.on my point of view i strongly recomend a paralel road which is starting from valiyakunnu moonnu mukku to poovanpara.that will be a land mark to attingal township devolepment.and we can build this road as an MLA road with the help of state govt:.both the bye pass and this MLA road will clearly thrash out the traffic problem .
Brown Country said…

Thanks for making your valuable comments here.

I agree that the new bypass may not have any direct impact on the development of the town. But it will certainly reduce the traffic congestion in the town. People who travel from Thiruvananthapuram to Kollam or Kollam to Thiruvananthapuram need not touch Attingal. The new bypass allow them to do just that. I have no doubt that it will reduce the traffic situation in Attingal now.

A parallel road from Moonnumukku to Poovanpara is an old idea, which seems to have been shelved now. But I am afraid any new road without a bridge over Poovanpara is not going to help at all.
Kerala said…
Good project.let us hope soon.
Anonymous said…
Can I know the present status of the construction of New Bypass Road?Can you give updated status in this regard?

Why I am writing to you is that I am victim of loosing my property about 20 Cents paddy land in between Ramachamvila and Kollampuzha (adjacent to the old mango tree belongs to Atl. municipality.

Can you also show the route map in this area?

with regs.

Anonymous said…
Can I know the present status of the construction of New Bypass Road?Can you give updated status in this regard?

Why I am writing to you is that I am victim of loosing my property about 20 Cents of paddy land in between Ramachamvila and Kollampuzha (adjacent to the old mango tree belongs to Atl. municipality.

Can you also show the route map in this area?

with regs.

Brown Country said…

Iam not at Attingal right now. Will go there after two weeks. I shall try to get as much details as possible by then.

I heard recently from a friend that revenue department in Attingal has conducted a final survey. And that the project is still on, but it is going very slowly.
Brown Country said…

Iam not at Attingal right now. Will go there after two weeks. I shall try to get as much details as possible by then.

I heard recently from a friend that revenue department in Attingal has conducted a final survey. And that the project is still on, but it is going very slowly.
Anonymous said…
Can I know the update details of the proposed bypass project?

I have my property bearing survery no. 567/A - on the propsed route in Ramachamvila - Kollampuzha. Can I also know whether the route is passing through the above property or not?

Waiting for your rsponse.

Anonymous said…
I gently remind you to give me the update details of the proposed bypass project?

I have my property bearing survery no. 567/A - on the propsed route in Ramachamvila - Kollampuzha. Can I also know whether the route is passing through the above property or not?


Waiting for your rsponse.
Brown Country said…

I am extremely sorry for the tardy communication here. In fact, my work rarely allows me to visit Attingal these days. No excuses. Just sorry.

Anyways, I have obtained a list of survey numbers in Attingal village. I haven't found your survey number there. But the official working in the NH bypass project told me that there are still some survey numbers to be identified.

Here is the list of survey numbers (alphabets indicate unidentified survey numbers): 13, 14, 17, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 35, AO, 53, 54, 55, 56, AP, 57, 58, 67, 68, 75, 76, 77, 78, AQ, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, Q, X, 322, 325, XX, 356, VV, VV, pp, P, Z, 511, 551, 871, AA, BB, 990, 993, 1366, 1371, CC.

If you can provide an exact location, possibly through wikimapia or some other similar utilities, I think I can provide you more detailed information.

Stones have been laid at after every 100 meters on the properties that are going to be procured. The width of the road has been set tentatively as 45 meter. Please check whether there are any stones at your property.

Some general info that might help: The proposed bypass meets Attingal-Chirayinkil road near Ramachamvila at the junction in front of Sarkkareswari Mill. There is a small road opposite to the mill. When the proposed bypass comes, the road is likely to become part of it. You can see yellow stones on the land and paddy fields adjacent to the road.

That's all for now. There have been some new developments. Planning to post a new entry on the bypass subject shortly.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the valuable information

With rea

Anonymous said…
Any new developments?

Anonymous said…
Any new developments for the project?

Anonymous said…
No reply from you so far and therefore shame.

Anonymous said…
Request you to provide us with the latest government decesion of the proposed Attingal Bypass project?


sajeer said…
it is a nice project, but think! it will affect some poor people... so the compensation should be ....
Unknown said…
its a superb estimation but when it really happening
Unknown said…
this bypass is a nonsense project by the govt...
Unknown said…
state government and central government are playing with the life of common man....for the past 6years i am waiting for the outcome of this project.... but now i realized "nothing is gong to happen" in attingal/kerala... this political drama/real estate drama will continue.......
Unknown said…
Roy Kadakkavur said…
Couldn't find any latest updates of the project. If any thing is available, requested to share with us.
thank you
Anonymous said…
Any updates on this project? Thanks in advance. Please try to provide a sketch of the said bypass road
Manikantan said…
Can we get the present position of this bypass project. Consultants have recently made soil testing for erecting peers for widening the existing bridge, it is learnt. Unfortunately, no access point in the new NH is not shown for the century old road from Panthalakode area through the British made old bridge. Before the commissioning of the work, it is highly necessary to ensure appropriate access in the proposed new Highway from the Panthalacode road, which connects Chirayinkeezhu as such, Kizhuvilam Village Office, Panchayat Office, 18th Mile, Gokulam School etc etc. Contrary to the earlier speculation, the byepass road touches the existing NH few meters down the Petrol Pump before reaching the bridge, i.e. almost opposite to the Thycavu Mosque. This modification avoids construction of a new bridge, levelling & filling of low-lying paddy-field etc. In the wake of old NH Road & old Mamom bridge being surrendered by NH to State PWD (Roads), above point of access has to be got clarified without delay. NH Officials concerned or the Consultants may kindly take note of this particular issue & respond soon.
Unknown said…
Its 2018 and still not started.
Finally, Attingal Bypass tarring started, Its 2024! Construction started from 2022.